Nicollet County Jail
In Custody 01-13-2025 20:17
PhotoMNINameSexAgeBooking #Intake DateChargesBail\Bond
527752 Adame, Andrew Leeon M 19 6062 01-13-2025 10:33
M - Court/Pending - 609.2242.1(2)
Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Intentionally In
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
661866 Ahlstrand, Timothy Roy M 30 6048 01-07-2025 13:17
G - Sentenced - 609.3451.1a(1)
Criminal Sexual Conduct - 5th Degree - Noncon
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
92233 Arnold, Lionel Maurice M 35 6037 12-31-2024 10:38
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.221.1
Assault-1st Degree-Great Bodily Harm
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.2242.4
Domestic Assault-Felony
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.255.2
False Imprisonment-Intentional Restraint
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
200000.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
620164 Belden, Brian Matthew M 44 6054 01-10-2025 08:58
F - Remanded - 609.487.3
Fleeing a Peace Officer in a Motor Vehicle
M - Remanded - 171.24.2
Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocat
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
149991 Garza, Edgar Javier M 32 5497 01-29-2024 15:23
F - Sentenced - 152.023.2(a)(1)
Drugs - 3rd Degree - Possess 10 grams or more
F - Charge Dismissed - 152.021.1(1)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 17 Grams or More-
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
714391 Gutierrez Espana, Mauricio M 29 6011 12-10-2024 11:45
G - Bail/Bond Set - 609.3451.1a(2)
Criminal Sexual Conduct - 5th Degree - Mastur
G - Bail/Bond Set - 617.23.2(1)
Indecent Exposure/Lewdnessor procure another
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
6000.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
Bail without conditions only
493714 Ismail, Sumeiya Abdi F 25 6023 12-16-2024 09:34
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.1(3)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 grams or more,
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.1(3)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 grams or more,
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
500000.00  \  250000.00 0.00   0.00  
686495 Jahnke, Kimberly Ann F 62 6015 12-11-2024 20:41
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.1(1)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 17 Grams or More-
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.2(a)(1)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Possess 50 grams or more
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.022.1(1)
Drugs - 2nd Degree - Sale 10 grams or more -
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.022.2(a)(1)
Drugs - 2nd Degree - Possess 25 grams or more
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
500000.00  \  250000.00 0.00   0.00  
493712 Jiokthiang, Lojock Dech M 28 6024 12-16-2024 09:45
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.1(3)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 grams or more,
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.1(3)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 grams or more,
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
750000.00  \  350000.00 0.00   0.00  
682105 Johnson, Robert Tauqueer M 40 6022 12-16-2024 10:59
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.1(3)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 grams or more,
F - Hold for Another Agency - 152.021.1(1)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 17 Grams or More-
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.1(3)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 grams or more,
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
1000000.00  \  750000.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
717545 Lloyd, Charles Dean M 62 6036 12-30-2024 19:17
F - Sentenced - 169A.20.1(5)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcoh
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
699252 MARTIN, TAYVIUS SORGATZ M 18 5880 09-16-2024 18:33
G - Hold for Another Agency - 609.506.2 24427967
Giving Peace Officer False Name-of Another Pe
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.245.1
Aggravated Robbery-1st Degree
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.245.2
Aggravated Robbery-2nd Degree
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.24
Simple Robbery
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.52.2(a)(17)
Theft-Take/Drive Motor Vehicle-No Owner Conse
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
75000.00  \  25000.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
714569 Mattin, Matthew Robert M 39 6014 12-11-2024 19:47
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.1(1)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 17 Grams or More-
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.021.2(a)(1)
Drugs - 1st Degree - Possess 50 grams or more
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.022.1(1)
Drugs - 2nd Degree - Sale 10 grams or more -
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.022.2(a)(1)
Drugs - 2nd Degree - Possess 25 grams or more
M - Bail/Bond Set - 171.24.2
Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocat
F - Hold for Another Agency - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.582.3(a)
Burglary - 3rd Degree - Enters w/out consent
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.52.2(a)(1)
Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
750000.00  \  300000.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
20000.00  \  10000.00 0.00   0.00  
Can post CASH with conditions-$1000.00
149964 Mccormick, Justin Allen M 33 5805 07-29-2024 03:14
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.561.1
Arson-1st Degree-Dwelling
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.561.2(a)
Arson-1st Degree-Building-Knows Person is Pre
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.562
Arson-2nd Degree-Building-Value $1,000 or Mor
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.749.5(a)
Stalking - Engages in Stalking
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.235
Use of Drugs to Injure or Facilitate Crime
M - Bail/Bond Set - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
M - Bail/Bond Set - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
M - Bail/Bond Set - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
F - ROR'd - 609.749.5(a)
Stalking - Engages in Stalking
G - ROR'd - 609.749.2(b)(3)
Harassment - Causes or reasonably expect to c
G - ROR'd - 609.749.2(b)(3)
Harassment - Causes or reasonably expect to c
G - ROR'd - 609.749.2(b)(3)
Harassment - Causes or reasonably expect to c
G - ROR'd - 609.749.2(b)(3)
Harassment - Causes or reasonably expect to c
M - ROR'd - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
M - ROR'd - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
M - ROR'd - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
M - ROR'd - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
M - ROR'd - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
M - ROR'd - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
M - ROR'd - 609.748.6(a)
Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate Restr
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
2000000.00  \  1000000.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
136096 Morgan, Ronald Joseph M 49 6051 01-08-2025 18:23
F - Sentenced - 629.75.2(d)(1)
Violate No Contact Order - Within 10 years of
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
364474 Nunn, Silas Xavier M 21 6000 12-06-2024 17:33
F - Sentenced - 609.343.1a(e)
Criminal Sexual Conduct - 2nd Degree - Contac
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
406310 Persell, Edward Ivan M 59 6050 01-08-2025 13:56
F - Remanded - 169A.20.2(2)
Traffic - DWI - Refuse to submit to chemical
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
  692425 Pierce, Willard Franklin M 44 6060 01-12-2025 16:30
F - Court/Pending - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Court/Pending - 152.023.2(a)(6)
Drugs - 3rd Degree - Possess - Methamphet/Amp
F - Court/Pending - 609.222.1
Assault-2nd Degree-Dangerous Weapon
F - Court/Pending - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
G - Court/Pending - 168.35
Motor Vehicle Registration - Intent to Escape
M - Court/Pending - 168.101.2a
Ownership/Registration of Cars/Trucks - Fail
M - Court/Pending - 171.24.2
Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocat
M - Court/Pending - 629.75.2(b)
Domestic Abuse No Contact Order - Violate No
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
713565 SERDA, ARIEL ANN F 31 6061 01-13-2025 07:40
F - Court/Pending - 609.582.2(a)(4)
Burglary-2nd Deg-Building-Possess Tool
F - Court/Pending - 609.582.2(a)(4)
Burglary-2nd Deg-Building-Possess Tool
F - Court/Pending - 609.582.3(a)
Burglary - 3rd Degree - Enters w/out consent
F - Court/Pending - 609.582.3(a)
Burglary - 3rd Degree - Enters w/out consent
F - Court/Pending - 609.52.2(a)(1)
Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse
F - Court/Pending - 609.52.2(a)(1)
Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse
F - Court/Pending - 609.582.2(a)(4)
Burglary-2nd Deg-Building-Possess Tool
F - Court/Pending - 609.582.2(a)(4)
Burglary-2nd Deg-Building-Possess Tool
F - Court/Pending - 609.582.3(a)
Burglary - 3rd Degree - Enters w/out consent
F - Court/Pending - 609.582.3(a)
Burglary - 3rd Degree - Enters w/out consent
M - Court/Pending - 609.52.2(a)(1)
Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse
M - Court/Pending - 609.52.2(a)(1)
Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
70693 Severson, Thomas James M 47 6044 01-03-2025 17:54
G - Sentenced - 609.749.2(b)(1)
Harassment - Reasonable fear of substantial b
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
64363 Seys, Michael Andrew M 36 5683 05-22-2024 17:54
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.561.1
Arson-1st Degree-Dwelling
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.561.3(a)
Arson-1st Deg-Building-Used Combust/Flammable
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.595.1(1)
Damage to Property - 1st Degree - Foreseeable
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
100000.00  \  50000.00 0.00   0.00  
55286 Waibel, Dale Gerald M 55 6052 01-08-2025 21:03
F - Remanded - 624.713.2(b)
Possesses any type of firearm/ammo - Crime of
F - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
F - Court/Pending - 609.165.1b(a)
Felon Convicted Crime of Violence - Firearm V
F - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(10)(i)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Previous Felony Co
F - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
F - Court/Pending - 609.165.1b(a)
Felon Convicted Crime of Violence - Firearm V
G - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(10)(i)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Previous Felony Co
F - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
F - Court/Pending - 609.165.1b(a)
Felon Convicted Crime of Violence - Firearm V
G - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(10)(i)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Previous Felony Co
F - Court/Pending - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Court/Pending - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Court/Pending - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Court/Pending - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Court/Pending - 609.165.1b(a)
Felon Convicted Crime of Violence - Firearm V
F - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
F - Court/Pending - 609.165.1b(a)
Felon Convicted Crime of Violence - Firearm V
F - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
F - Court/Pending - 609.165.1b(a)
Felon Convicted Crime of Violence - Firearm V
F - Court/Pending - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
F - Court/Pending - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
F - Court/Pending - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
692812 Williams, Robert John M 53 5827 08-14-2024 03:18
F - Hold for Another Agency - 152.025.2(2)(i) 7103
Drugs - 5th Degree - Procure/Possess/Control
G - Hold for Another Agency - 169A.20.1(2)
Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under I
F - Bail/Bond Set - 624.713.1(2)
Possess Ammo/Any Firearm - Conviction or Adju
F - Bail/Bond Set - 609.165.1b
Felon Convicted Crime of Violence - Firearm o
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.023.2(a)(1)
Drugs - 3rd Degree - Possess 10 grams or more
F - Bail/Bond Set - 152.025.2(1)
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
G - Bail/Bond Set - 171.24.5
Traffic-DL-Driving after cancellation-inimica
Amount \ With Conds Bail Received Bond Received
0.00  \  0.00 0.00   0.00  
40000.00  \  10000.00 0.00   0.00